Brides | Flower Girl

See More In Bridal

Last week we talked about what was trending for your bridal party. Of course, there are several factors that go in to picking those dresses. Color scheme, styles, size and shape of the person wearing the dress and whether to go strapless or not. I’m sure there are more factors, buuuuuuut this weeks blog isn’t about that.This week, we are going to ooooh and aaaah over all the cute little flower girl trends, we are seeing in the bridal industry.

I have 3 daughters, I can personally say, that most of their early years are about being a princess. I mean, can you blame them? The luxury castle, the gowns, the prince, its all so amazing. I had my daughters try on a few of the dresses have in store, lets just say, melt downs happened, when it was time to get back to reality.  Time to “Let it Go” sweet girls.

Flower girl with sass #flowergirl #indybride #sassy

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  (Shake those hips, sweet girl)

As for the bride, you have a million decisions to make over the course of your journey down the aisle. Personally, I feel like the flower girl dress, might be one of the easier decisions. You’ve asked your sweet little niece or friends daughter to take on the important role of tossing flower pedals, we already know, she’s little and more than likely one of the cutest girls you know. Throw a dress on her, and voila! She can actually get cuter!

Here are some of the styles you will find at Sophia’s.



I find myself favoring, this last one with the peach under-tone. The style would fit well with a barn wedding or even at outdoor venue. Either way, it’s elegant and ready for a princess!

Schedule your appointment by calling 317.222.5465




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