
Bride | Top 5 creative food ideas, for your wedding day

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Whether you’re going with a served menu or a buffet for your guests, you can still get creative with the foods you serve. The caterer may be limited but you don’t have to be. Some simple ideas would be a different desert or snacks of sorts, however, the ideas are endless. I’ve gathered my top 5 ideas, for getting creative with foods at your wedding.

I’m going to start with my absolute fave: Milk and Cookies. The kid in me gets a little giddy at the thought of wearing a gorgeous gown, while munching on cookies and sipping cold milk. Again, it doesn’t end there. You can have different types of cookies and even spruce up the milk options. I’m not going to lie, I might get super exited to see glasses of strawberry milk, waiting for me to devour.

milk and cookies fun wedding

Next is the good ol’ smores bar. I love camping and smores. This delightful treat, brings me back to my childhood just a little bit.  Again, you can go beyond the traditional graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow. You can include sprinkles, chocolate with filling, cookies instead of the cracker, marshmallow spread instead of marshmallows, nutella instead of chocolate or just all of the above.

When it comes to the cocktail hour, everything should fit into a napkin or small plate. Small doesn’t mean it can’t be mighty in awesomeness! I love this next idea so much for a couple reasons. First of all, who doesn’t love sandwiches? Second of all, who doesn’t love cute little pints of beer!? I think this would be great as a sandwich or even a hamburger slider. What do you think?

fun wedding food

Sushi…I used to hate it, but after a few different types, I’ve finally come to love this rolled up deliciousness.  Now, you could go a couple ways with this one. You could have a sushi bar, where guests make their own sushi rolls or plan to have a few different already prepared options. Either way, this will for sure be a crowd pleaser.

fun food

At Sophia’s Bridal, we love love LOVE pretzels with cheese sauce. I don’t think I can even count how many times a month some one will make a pretzel run. Again, their are many options for this amazing food. Different flavor pretzels and different flavor sauces make this an ever changing treat. I might actually make this my fave food option, over milk and cookies…..

fun wedding food


Can we just have everything on this list in one buffet style dinner? Please and thank you!

What food did you have at your wedding? Share in the comments below!




Photos: Pinterest




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