Real Sophia’s Bride | Olivia + Zechariah

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Olivia & Zechariah got married at The Silver Palace in LaPorte, IN on a beautiful August afternoon


What was your grooms reaction to seeing you for the first time in your wedding dress?


Zechariah is a man of few emotions and words, but I could tell he was completely taken away by me in my dress! He’s the type of guy that starts to giggle/smile whenever something exciting is about to happen. So, when he saw me start walking down the aisle, and I saw that smirk, I knew he was blown away!


justin alexander wedding dress

Dress: Justin Alexander


What piece of advice would you give brides planning now? 


 I think right now especially with COVID happening, I would tell brides to only focus on what you can control! I remember wishing and praying so hard that we would have a perfect, sunny, not too hot day in August. While it ended up being great weather, I spent way too much effort and emotion worrying about small things that I had no control over.


wedding advice


 What was your favorite detail/element of your wedding?


My favorite detail (design wise) was this beautiful “champagne” wall that our wedding planner BUILT for us! It was totally unique and a great backdrop for photos. The pictures don’t do justice for how big it was!


wedding details

Wedding Planner: Moxie-Moxie


Did you take a honeymoon?  Where? 


We did take a honeymoon- a cruise to the Caribbean! Back to not having control over everything… our plane actually had mechanical issues and we missed the boat departure in Miami. We ended up staying the night in Miami and flying out to Jamaica the next day to meet the cruise ship. Once we made it on the ship, we had a fabulous time! We’re already planning a honeymoon 2.0 to make up for lost time 🙂




Photographer: Giving Tree Photography 

Floral, Decor, and Planning: Moxie-Moxie 

Reception Hall and Catering: The Silver Palace in LaPorte, IN, 

Dress: Justin Alexander

Makeup: Cora Downing NWI Makeup Artist, @makeupbycoradowning


If you are a Sophia’s bride, submit your story here to be featured on our blog! We love seeing your wedding day vision come together and we think it should be shared with the world!




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