
Bridal | Top 10 Flower Bouquets

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Once upon a time, there lived a woman who was planning her fairy-tale wedding. Unfortunately, this woman did not love flowers and had no clue where to start. She cried and failed many attempts at creating a bouquet. Until one day, she stumbled upon a florist! Once she saw the many samples of bouquets, she fell in love with flowers and created her dream arrangement, thanks to the amazing  fairy-god-florist.

Okay, so it wasn’t as dramatic but you get the gist. I was you, planning my dream wedding and having no clue where to start and then I realized, flowers! I know nothing about how to arrange flowers! I searched through magazines, and google (Pinterest wasn’t around, insert sad face), I just couldn’t decide what I liked and didn’t like. I wasn’t a huge fan of flowers at the time so finding something that was beautiful felt impossible. We met with a florist and she helped us create a simple, yet stunning bouquet that had more of the wild flower feel to it. It was amazing!

I want to share with you, my top 10 fave flower bouquet trends. You really have endless options as far as style, colors, ribbons etc. Lets start with some examples for each of the seasons and go from there!

Outside of the seasonal bouquets, I want to show you some of my personal favorite options. Again, I used to ultimately not love flowers, but being in the bridal world has changed me. I am in love with the wild flower trends. Boho weddings are super in style right now, and the mix of flowers fits so elegantly with that particular vibe




Which is your favorite? Is there a trend you prefer? Let us know in the comments below!


Photos: Pinterest




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