
Prom | As We Celebrate Easter: A Moment To Reflect

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Easter is a time, I find myself wanting to sit alone, while I  reflect on the blessings in my life. Which is why I wanted to write todays blog, about this particular holiday.

Spending time with those that are important to you, translates across all backgrounds. We live in an ever-moving society and the moments we are given to slow down, should be embraced and enjoyed.  Find the time to spend today, laughing and talking about Easter’s past. Talk about the significance of this holiday, with those you hold dear. Disconnect and be present. For me. I look at today as a celebration of life, that was created for each of us, so uniquely made. Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. Remember, you are created with a purpose and are full of gifts to give back to our world.

Easter, in my faith is about the death of Christ and Him rising from the dead. What I love the most, is that He died, so that I may live. I am in this weird phase, where I want to stop worrying about the future and really focus living in the moment and trust my God to fulfill his promises in my life. Have you been there before?

If you are reading this particular blog, I would assume you are in high school. I think we can all agree, you are in the midst of some of your biggest challenges and changes. It’s hard to stop and slow down. Whether its relationships, college choices, friends, family, prom, graduations or a job, it’s hard to stop, breath and disconnect. I get it, I don’t even have that much going on, and I feel like I never have time to breath.  Spring time, reminds to stop and smell the roses. I taught myself to literally stop and smell flowers, I see blooming on a walk or just in passing. There’s something quite peaceful about smelling them and just breathing for a moment.

We were given this beautiful life, we should be living it to the fullest. Spend time today with those you love dearly, breath the beautiful fresh air and live in the moment. Disconnect from technology and share your fondest memories.

I’d love to hear how you’ve spent today, but wait till tomorrow to share in the comments below. I’m taking my self offline for the rest of today to reconnect with my friends and family.

Happy Easter to you all!
Easter Quote





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